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Opinion Piece: Roe V. Wade

First of all, there really is no need for discussion. I don't care if it's he said or she said, there is a very clear line between what is morally right and what is morally wrong.

The mere thought of it all absolutely disgusts me, I mean seriously? Can you tell me anyone who actually enjoys roe? Roe is literally fish EGGS. Caviar is DISGUSTING! The only reason people eat caviar and roe is because the rich deem it as a pro-egg delicacy, and the rich are morally wrong to deem it that way! If you eat caviar you might as well eat sh*t and die! I am so tired of media propaganda mentioning the consumption of caviar in TV and movies alike because it sets a positive image in the mind of vulnerable and impressionable children that this disgusting 'treat' is enjoyable and worth the interaction with their taste buds.

On the other hand we have the morally superior Dwyane Wade. I'm not even sure how Dwyane Wade got into a fight with fish eggs but me personally I am on Dwayne's side. Dwyane Wade played over 900 games in his 16 year career from 2003 to 2019. His main role being the shooting guard for the Miami heat. How can you not enjoy watching Wade make buckets on the court? He makes every other shot! He's insane!

I'm fairly certain those of you out there will be on my side with this. This is a real issue we need to tackle. While the rest of America is dealing with some random court case, we need to talk about the "on the court" case and get Wade into the NBA Hall of Fame in 2023!

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