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Flu Evolution

Right now, we are in the very beggining of the influenza season. Already though, 37 high school students have been lost due to this deadly virus. The CDC has released a statement about the potential mutation in the mRNA strand AA(A). This unpredictable pathogen could be a new type of disease. Local authorities are spreading awareness of this potentially catastrophic disease.

As we all know, there are three types of influenza. The first being a common type and the other two not seen as much. But this new mutation spread to all three in a matter of hours. Dr. Stevenson of the Stanford University School of Medicine states that "this diesease has the capability of negating flu medications such as Theraflu, Coricidin, Contac, etc."

Most carriers of this disease have reported that they have had hematemesis, polyuria, puria, polydipsia, and a rather suprising craving for meat, both raw and cooked. The proceedings of these symptoms are similar to taking a drug called Flakka, or bathsalts. So far, not much is known about why this certain strand mutated but researches are studying long and hard for a potential cure. Stay safe!

The Associated Press contributed to this article.

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