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Global Colding?

Over the past few years, tensions over what we should do about global warming have been getting tenser. You may know global warming as a cause of greenhouse gases destroying the atmosphere, but its actually making it thicker. Cold is being created by the glaciers, and the thick atmosphere is trapping all the cold in. Another factor to the matter is that we are slowly straying from the sun.

Extreme weather warnings being put into action everywhere around the globe. One scientist from Florida brought back astonishing results. To make it simple, he basically said that Florida is supposed to be warm in spring, not cold.

Most people are evacuting to the equator to live in warmth but its has no effect. The equator is only 1 degree warmer than it is in Antarctica. Scientists are giving Earth 60 years until total humanity collapses. Below is an exclusive photo taken by NASA™ of what is actually happening to Earth as we speak.

The Associated Press contributed to this article.

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